The Palmer Woldhagen Memorial Organ
University United Methodist Church
San Antonio, Texas, 1990
Stops & Specifications
- Manual I, 14 stops
- 16′ Prestant
- 8′ Principal
- 8′ Harmonic Flute
- 8′ Chimney Flute
- 8′ Salicional
- 5 1/3‘ Quint (draws with 16’
and VI Mixture) - 4′ Octave
- 4′ Spire Flute
- 2 2/3‘ Twelfth
- II Sesquialtera
- 2′ Fifteenth
- VI Mixture
- 8′ Trumpet
- 4′ Clarion
- Manual II, 13 stops
- 8′ Geigen Principal
- 8′ Gamba
- 8′ Celeste (t.c)
- 8′ Bourdon
- 4′ Principal
- 4′ Rohrpipe
- 2 2/3‘ Nasard
- II Cornet
- 2′ Doublet
- IV Mixture
- 8′ Cromorne
- 8′ Hautbois
- 8′ Trompette en chamade
- 9 stops
- 16′ Prestant
- 16′ Subbass
- 8′ Octave
- 8′ Flute
- 4′ Super Octave
- V Mixture
- 16′ Trombone
- 8′ Trumpet
- 4′ Clarion
- 32 stops
- 40 Ranks
- Great to Pedal
- Swell to Pedal
- Swell to Great
- General tremolo & wind stabilizer cut-out
The Palmer Woldhagen Memorial Organ
University United Methodist Church
San Antonio, Texas, 1990
Stops & Specifications
- Manual I, 14 stops
- 16′ Prestant
- 8′ Principal
- 8′ Harmonic Flute
- 8′ Chimney Flute
- 8′ Salicional
- 5 1/3‘ Quint (draws with 16’
and VI Mixture) - 4′ Octave
- 4′ Spire Flute
- 2 2/3‘ Twelfth
- II Sesquialtera
- 2′ Fifteenth
- VI Mixture
- 8′ Trumpet
- 4′ Clarion
- Manual II, 13 stops
- 8′ Geigen Principal
- 8′ Gamba
- 8′ Celeste (t.c)
- 8′ Bourdon
- 4′ Principal
- 4′ Rohrpipe
- 2 2/3‘ Nasard
- II Cornet
- 2′ Doublet
- IV Mixture
- 8′ Cromorne
- 8′ Hautbois
- 8′ Trompette en chamade
- 9 stops
- 16′ Prestant
- 16′ Subbass
- 8′ Octave
- 8′ Flute
- 4′ Super Octave
- V Mixture
- 16′ Trombone
- 8′ Trumpet
- 4′ Clarion
- 32 stops
- 40 Ranks
- Great to Pedal
- Swell to Pedal
- Swell to Great
- General tremolo & wind stabilizer cut-out