Manuel Rosales: 213.925.8633
Office: 323.262.9253
Fax: 323.262.8018




Opus 24

Walt Disney Concert Hall
Los Angeles, California

Rosales Organ Builders, Inc.
Los Angeles, California

Glatter-Götz Orgelbau
Owingen, Germany

  Click for Opus 24 photographs



Hear the 2004 Inaugural Recital
on this organ by Frederick Swann in the Pipedreams archives as Program #0820.
View a CNN "Show and Tell" Video
of this organ with organ conservator Philip Allen Smith and concert organist Chelsea Chen. Click here.
Note: This link may not be working.


Walt Disney Concert Hall
Concert Series


Files in Adobe Reader Format
Select PDF icon to open
Walt Disney Concert Hall
The American Organist
April 2004 cover photo
Walt Disney Concert Hall
Construction Photos
The American Organist
April 2004 feature article
    "Inside the Disney Hall Organ"
© 2004 Los Angeles Times
    "Empathy as Perception"
© 2008 Daniel G. Geldenhuys



GREAT – Manual II (unenclosed)
32' Violonbasse (Gehry façade)
32' 'Grand Bourdon (from 16', 1-12 resultant)'
16' Prestant (polished tin façade)
16' Violonbasse (ext.)
16' Bourdon (PEDAL SUBBASS)
8' Principal
8' Diapason à Pavillon
8' Violoncelle (ext. Violonbasse)
8' Flûte harmonique
8' Chimney Flute
5-1/3' Grand Nasard
4' Octave
4' Spire Flute
3-1/5' Grande Tierce
2-2/3' Octave Quinte
2' Super Octave
III Grande Fourniture (16' series)
VIII Mixture (8' series)
IV Cymbale (4' series)
VII Corneta Magna
32' Contre Basson (ext.16') (Gehry façade)
16' Basson
8' Basson
4' Basson
8' Trompeta de Los Angeles (LLAMARADA)
16' Great to Great (Does not affect 32' stops)
POSITIVE – Manual I (enclosed)
16' Quintaton
8' Principal
8' Unda Maris
8' Gambe
8' Flûte harmonique
8' Gedackt
4' Octave
4' Hohlflöte
2-2/3' Nasard
2' Super Octave
2' Waldflöte
1-3/5' Tierce
1-1/3' Larigot
IV Mixture (1-1/3')
16' Cor anglais
8' Trompette
8' Cromorne
4' Clairon
16' Llamada (LLAMARADA)
8' Llamada (LLAMARADA)
4' Llamada (LLAMARADA)
8' Trompeta de Los Angeles (LLAMARADA)
16' Positive to Positive
SWELL – Manual III (enclosed)
16' Bourdon
8' Diapason
8' Flûte traversière
8' Bourdon
8' Viole de Gambe
8' Voix céleste (CC)
8' Dulciane doux
8' Voix angelique (TC)
4' Principal
4' Flûte octaviante
2-2/3' Nasard
2' Octavin
1-3/5' Tierce
1' Piccolo
III-V Plein jeu harmonique (2-2/3')
16' Bombarde
8' Trompette
8' Hautbois
8' Voix humaine
4' Clairon
Fast Tremulant
Slow Tremulant
8' Llamada (LLAMARADA)
8' Trompeta de Los Angeles (LLAMARADA)
16' Swell to Swell
4' Swell to Swell
LLAMARADA – Manual IV (enclosed)
8' Flautado grandiso
4' Octava real
V Compuestas
V Lleno fuerte
16' Bombardon
8' Trompeta armonica
4' Clarín armonico
16' Llamada (ext.)
8' Llamada (horizontal Tuba)
4' Llamada (ext.)
8' Trompeta de Los Angeles (Gehry façade)
Campanitas (Choice of one or both bell arrays)
Pajaritos (Two pairs of birdolas)
Pitch Pipes (3 pipes) D' F' A' (A=442)
32' Flûte
32' Violonbasse (Gehry façade)
16' Flûte (ext.)
16' Prestant (GREAT)
16' Violonbasse (GREAT)
16' Subbass
16' Bourdon (SWELL)
10-2/3' Grosse Quinte
8' Octave
8' Flûte (ext.)
8' Violoncelle (GREAT)
8' Bourdon (ext. Subbass)
4' Super Octave
4' Flûte (ext.)
V Mixture (5-1/3')
32' Contre Bombarde (ext.)
32' Contre Basson (Gehry façade)
16' Grande Bombarde
16' Bombardon (LLAMARADA)
16' Basson (GREAT 16')
8' Trompeta (LLAMARADA)
8' Basson (GREAT 8')
4' Clarín (LLAMARADA)
4' Basson (GREAT 4')
8' Great to Pedal
8' Positive to Pedal
8' Swell to Pedal
8' Llamarada to Pedal
16' Positive to Great
8' Positive to Great
16' Swell to Great
8' Swell to Great
4' Swell to Great
16' Llamarada to Great
8' Llamarada to Great
4' Llamarada to Great
8' Swell to Positive
8' Llamarada to Positive
Great: 1-8
Positive: 1-8
Swell: 1-8
Llamarada: 1-6
Pedal: 1-6 (toe)
General: 1-24 (1-12 toe)
General Cancel
Combination Set
All Pistons Next
Thumb reversibles for
Great to Pedal
Positive to Pedal
Swell to Pedal
Llamarada to Pedal
Swell to Great
Positive to Great
Llamarada to Great
Toe reversibles for:
Great to Pedal
Swell to Pedal


The magnificent Walt Disney Concert Hall organ, which made its public debut at the start of the 2004/2005 season, engenders many a curious question. The information below will provide some answers.

Materials used

  • Douglas fir for the façade wood pipes and the organ case
  • Cherry for the console
  • Porcelain for the stop knobs
  • Simulated ivory and ebony for the manual keyboards
  • Metal pipes of high-tin alloys, 75% to 90%
  • Flute pipes of hammered lead

Points of interest

  • 6,134 pipes ranging in size from 32 feet to a few inches
  • The organ is a gift to the County of Los Angeles from the Toyota Motor Corporation
  • The visual design of this new organ is the collaboration between architect Frank 0. Gehry and organ builder Manuel J. Rosales.
  • The mechanical design, construction, tuning and voicing is the result of collaboration by two internationally known pipe organ builders: Glatter-Götz Orgelbau in Germany and Rosales Organ Builders in Los Angeles.
  • The voicing and tuning by Rosales Organ Builders will be completed in 2004.
  • The project consultant is J. Michael Barone of Minnesota Public Radio's "Pipedreams."
  • The organ was shipped from Germany by sea in six containers; total weight is over 40 metric tons.
  • Installation by the Glatter-Götz staff in WDCH began in April 2003 and was completed in June 2003.
  • Total number of ranks is 109.
  • The length of the longest pipes is over 32 feet and the largest pipe weighs over 800 lbs.
  • The smallest pipe is the size of a small pencil with a speaking length less than 1/4" long.
  • The lowest note has a frequency of 16 cycles per second, which is C below the lowest note on the piano.
  • The highest note has a frequency of 10,548 cycles per second, which is an octave plus a third higher than the top note of a piano.
  • The specially-curved wood facade pipes were made by Glatter-Götz Orgelbau of solid, vertical grain Douglas fir.
  • The wood facade pipes are actual speaking pipes consisting of the Violone and Basson basses.
  • Behind the facade are metal pipes, which are made of alloys of tin and lead.
  • Wood pipes were made in the workshops of Glatter-Götz Orgelbau of solid oak and solid pine.
  • Metal pipes were made in various specialty workshops in Portugal, Germany and England.
  • The main console is permanently installed at the base of the organ's facade in the 'forest' of pipes.
  • The stage console is moveable and can be plugged in at four locations.
  • 61-note manual keyboards are covered with simulated ivory and solid ebony.
  • 32-note pedal boards are made of maple and ebony.
  • 128 draw stop controls are hand-lettered on porcelain with solid ebony stems.
  • 80 manual thumb piston controls and 28 pedal toe pistons are available for preset combinations.
  • 300 memory levels are available for the organists' preset combinations.
  • The bench is raised and lowered with an electric motor.
  • Closed circuit television will allow the organist a view of the conductor at the main console.
  • Wind for the organ is supplied by three blowers.  The blower motors total 13.3 horsepower.
  • Wind pressures range from 4" (102mm) for the Positive to 15" (380mm) for the Llamada "Tuba."
  • The keys on the main console are connected to the pipe valves via a mechanical linkage known as 'tracker action'.
  • Both consoles are equipped with electric action, which may be digitally recorded for playback and archival purposes.
  • The organ is equipped with MIDI interface for connection to digital systems.
  • The sound of this organ is designed specifically to support the orchestra and not to imitate it.
  • The organ will be voiced with a wide dynamic range from super pianissimo to a breathtaking fortissimo.







Rosales Pipe Organ Services, Inc.   3020 East Olympic Boulevard  ▪  Los Angeles  CA  90023-3402
Manuel Rosales: 213.925.8633    Office: 323.262.9253    Fax: 323.262.8018