Rosales: 213.925.8633
Office: 323.262.9253
Fax: 323.262.8018
Opus 18
Emory University
Organ Builders, Inc.
Los Angeles, California
When Rosales Organ
Builders was invited by Dr. Timothy Albrecht to build
this practice organ, Manuel Rosales proposed an
instrument whose appearance would be that of a beautiful
piece of furniture rather than having a typical pipe
façade. His experience with many practice organs was
that their sound, due to the small spaces in which they
typically were placed, induced ear fatigue to the
player. Rather than simply muffle the voicing of the
pipes or to bottle up the sound inside a wooden box,
however, he developed a design that would allow the
clarity and beauty of the pipe sound to be heard
For the aesthetic appearance of the case, he
inivited his long-time colleague and former staff
member, Steuart Goodwin. His realization of the tonal
criteria along with a lovely classical design, has
resulted in an instrument whose appearance and sound are
in perfect harmony.
Manual I |
8' |
Flute |
II |
8' |
Flute |
Pedal |
8' |
Bourdon |
of White Oak
Carving of the University’s shield by
Dennis Rowland
Elm Burl music rack
Bone key naturals and ebony sharps
Maple pedal keys and rosewood sharps
Compass 56/30
Mechanical key action with adjustable
key tension
Wind-pressure 70mm
All pipes were made in the Rosales work
3 stops
3 ranks, 125 pipes