Rosales: 213.925.8633
Office: 323.262.9253
Fax: 323.262.8018
Opus 16
The First
Presbyterian Church of Oakland
2619 Broadway
Oakland, CA 94612
Organ Builders, Inc.
Los Angeles, California
The First
Presbyterian Church of Oakland
and Rosales Organ Builders’ Opus 16
The previous organ in
the church was built by The W. W. Kimball Company of
Chicago in 1913. At that time it was their largest
instrument on the West Coast. With 4 manuals and 56
ranks it must have been a real showpiece. Its tonal
design was unusual for the period, in particular the
pedal stoplist, which boasted 10 entirely independent
ranks. Its playing action, however, was of the "Tubular
Pneumatic" type which already, by the time of its
original installation, was considered obsolete.
In the late 1920s the organ's action was electrified
and some pipes were added and others changed. This work
was carried out by Kimball factory personnel and was of
a quality consistent with the original installation.
Over the next fifty years many changes were made to
the fabric of the instrument. Modifications to the tonal
design, mechanical alterations and changes in the basic
structure were made in conjunction with the addition of
several stops. In many ways, a victim of the Neo-Baroque
revival, by the 1980s the instrument bore little
resemblance to the original. Pipes from many sources,
some from other local churches, some brought across the
country, were added. Even stops for which there was no
space were added - namely the 32' Wood Diapason and the
32' Wood Bombarde --- enormous pipes that we have
incorporated into our new instrument.
In an effort to determine the best route to take
with the rebuilding of the instrument, the Session of
the church sought the counsel of several authorities.
Among them were Jack Bethards of Schoenstein & Co.,
Joseph Dzeda, Associate Curator of Organs at Yale
University, and Edward Millington Stout, well known Bay
Area organ restoration expert. Their reports lead the
Organ Committee to the conclusion that a major revision
or replacement of the instrument was needed.
Rosales Organ Builder's first contact with First
Presbyterian Church was in January, 1987, and at the
time we were completing our Opus 11 in Portland, Oregon.
After many committee meetings and much discussion, this
church signed a contract with our firm in June of 1988.
The essential design of Opus 16 stems from the
wealth of knowledge gleaned from centuries of
organ-building; as history well illustrates, many of the
outstanding achievements of the past have been built on
the foundations of earlier work. Thus, when invited to
present a proposal for the new organ at First
Presbyterian Church, we instinctively chose to preserve
the finest elements of the existing instrument.
Some of the parameters of the project were as
follows: The organ would have mechanical playing action
of the tracker type, as this system has proven to be the
most reliable and long lived. Significant portions of
the beautifully crafted 1913 casework would be retained.
A consensus, however, was reached that the proportions
and detailing of the case could be improved. New
speaking pipes would be featured. Following a concept
drawing by Charles L. Nazarian, Bay Area CAD specialist
Charles C. Clancy developed a new design which reshaped
and augmented the casework in an effort to accentuate
the instrument's height and highlight its beautiful
The two 32' wooden stops, although not original to
the Kimball, would be retained. They were of such
significant proportions that every effort should be made
to save them.
As much of the old pipework, which was in good
condition, would be saved and modified if needed to be
consistent with the new tonal design. This amounted to
11 1/2 eanks, including the two 32' stops.
The Antiphonal organ would be saved but diminished
in its tonal effect. This part of the organ remained
playable from its own console and served the church as a
temporary instrument during the waiting period for the
new instrument.
The new organ would conform to earthquake codes and
structural engineering criteria which would be
determined by experts in that field. Also, the Church
has installed a new floor for the organ structure, re-inforced
the ceiling above the organ, and has replaced the choir
loft structure. New lighting for the choir and the
facade was installed in time for the dedication.
Building upon these parameters, the design has
developed into a broad picture of eclectic organbuilding.
As new organs go today, our design is really rather
conservative. A complete Principal Chorus on the Great
serves as the backbone of the instrument. A secondary
Principal Chorus is found on the Positive. To add
grandeur to these Principal Plena, sub-octave Principals
at 16 and 32 foot are found on the Great. These were
inspired by French and German designs of the 18th and
19th Centuries.
A generous selection of color stops is found on each
manual with two registers of the 2-2/3 Nasard type and
four Tierces --- each of a different type. Additionally
a Mounted Cornet of V ranks is featured on the Great.
Typical of organs of all periods, flutes are found
on every division. Through a variety of shapes, scales
and voicing techniques, each flute color retains a
strong personality, and each blends well with other
There are four Harmonic Flutes to be found.
Following the French Romantic tradition, the largest one
is in the Great and a Chorus of 8' - 4' & 2' Harmonic
Flutes is found in the Swell.
The Great Harmonic Flute is a member of a quartet of
registers which include the 8' Principal, 8' Chimney
Flute and 8' Gamba. Their color palette is inspired by
the work of Cavaillé-Coll and is essential to the
richness expected in the 19th Century literature. Their
actual scaling is unique to Opus 16, however, as is most
of the pipework in the instrument.
The Pedal on this opus, more than in any other
instrument that we have built, will provide a solid
foundation and an unmistakable sonority that exceeds
that of the original organ.
In contrast with the traditional nature of the tonal
and mechanical design, please note that this organ has
state of the art console registration aids and that it
is also MIDI Compatible!
We have aimed for an instrument which will meet the
challenge of both choral and organ literature while
providing rich and varied support for congregational
singing. Grandeur and majesty balanced with clarity and
delicacy -- these are the qualities we have sought. And
in a larger context, we wanted to add new colors to the
palette of fine organs in the Bay Area.
We at Rosales Organ Builders are honored to have
worked on this instrument and for a congregation that
has been supportive and hard-working. It was our goal to
leave them with an instrument of which they will be
proud and can enjoy for decades to come.
GREAT - Manual I |
32' |
Prestant |
16' |
Prestant |
8' |
Principal |
8' |
Gamba |
8' |
Flûte harmonique |
8' |
Chimney Flute |
4' |
Octave |
4' |
Spire Flute |
2 2/3' |
Octave Quint |
2' |
Super Octave |
1 3/5' |
Tierce |
V |
Cornet (m.c, mounted) |
Mixture |
16' |
Bombarde |
8' |
Trumpet |
4' |
Clarion |
16' |
Chamade (t.c) |
8' |
Chamade |
4' |
Chamade (ext.) |
POSITIVE - Manual II |
16' |
Bourdon |
8' |
Principal |
8' |
Gedeckt |
4' |
Octave |
4' |
Rohrpipe |
3 1/5' |
Grosse Tierce |
2 2/3' |
Nasard |
2' |
Doublet |
1 3/5' |
Tierce |
1 1/3' |
Larigot |
VI |
Mixture |
8' |
Trumpet |
8' |
Cromorne |
4' |
Clarion |
ANTIPHONAL - Plays from Great & Pedal |
8' |
Principal |
8' |
Stop'd Diapason |
4' |
Octave |
2' |
Fifteenth |
SWELL - Manual III |
16' |
Bourdon |
8' |
Geigen Principal |
8' |
Viole de Gambe |
8' |
Voix céleste |
8' |
Flûte traversière |
8' |
Bourdon |
4' |
Principal |
4' |
Flûte octaviante |
2 2/3' |
Nasard |
2' |
Octavin |
1 3/5' |
Tierce |
1' |
Piccolo |
IV |
Mixture (prep.) |
16' |
Bombarde |
8' |
Trumpet |
8' |
Hautbois |
8' |
Clarinet |
8' |
Vox Humana |
32' |
Open Wood (ext.) |
32' |
Prestant (Great) |
21 1/3' |
Prestant Quint (ext.) |
16' |
Open Wood |
16' |
Prestant |
16' |
Bourdon |
10 2/3' |
Quint (ext.) |
8' |
Octave |
8' |
Flûte (ext.) |
8' |
Bourdon (ext.) |
4' |
Super Octave |
V |
Mixture (prep.) |
32' |
Bombarde (ext.) |
16' |
Bombarde |
16' |
Posaune |
8' |
Trumpet |
4' |
Clarion |
8' |
Chamade (Great) |
4' |
Chamade (Great) |
4,062 pipes |
63 speaking stops |
double-rise, dead-weighted bellows |
Wind pressures: 3-1/2", 4-1/4", 7" |
1 single-rise bellows 15" pressure |
3 blowers totaling 6 h.p. |
Organ weighs about 75,000 lbs. |
6 couplers |
Cymbelstern |
Great and Positive tremolo |
Swell tremolo |
Pedal tremolo |
32-level combination system |
General piston sequencer |